Meet the Chef 

A culinary virtuoso whose journey from serving in the US Navy to crafting exquisite dishes has been nothing short of inspiring. With a passion for flavors that transcend borders, Chef Hughes has carved his name in the culinary world as the driving force behind SMH Catering, captivating palates and hearts alike.

Scott's love for food was ignited during his travels throughout Southeast Asia while serving in the US Navy. These journeys allowed him to see food from a different perspective, deepening his appreciation for the artistry and cultural significance behind each dish. It was in the bustling street markets, the humble kitchens, and the rich, aromatic flavors of Southeast Asia that his passion for cooking truly took root.

Upon returning to civilian life, Scott's culinary path led him to work in the creative kitchens of Michelin Star chefs, where he honed his skills and refined his approach to cooking. The discipline, attention to detail, and relentless work ethic instilled by his Navy service became the cornerstones of his culinary prowess. In 2010, eager to bring his inspirations and experiences into his own kitchen, Scott founded SMH Catering.

With an emphasis on fresh, locally sourced ingredients, Scott crafts each dish with an artist's touch, fusing global inspirations—particularly those from Southeast Asia—with his distinct flair. His creations not only tantalize taste buds but also tell stories – stories of his travels, Navy days, and the experiences that have shaped his culinary philosophy.

Beyond his dedication to the culinary arts, Chef Scott Hughes is a loving partner and father. He resides in Cathedral City with his girlfriend, Maria, sharing a life filled with adventure and exploration. At the heart of his world are his two children, Sophie and Simon, who serve as a constant reminder of the importance of balance and the joy of simple pleasures. In his spare time, Scott channels his creativity into playing the drums, finding rhythm and inspiration both in and out of the kitchen.

In Chef Hughes' world, every dish is a symphony of flavors, every meal a canvas for creativity, and every moment an opportunity to create cherished memories. His journey from Navy veteran to accomplished chef, through the kitchens of Michelin Star chefs, stands as a testament to the power of passion, persistence, and the unwavering commitment to one's dreams. As he continues to write new chapters in his culinary story, there's no doubt that Chef Scott Hughes will keep delighting, surprising, and inspiring all who have the pleasure of savoring his creations.

Let’s make your next event unforgettable!